In 1998 the club pioneered the “Yachting Debate” with the “Light vs Heavy”
Yachting World have kindly sent us a pdf of the original article click here to read it
“The result was a clear win for ‘heavy’ though Tony Castro and Ed had the better arguments.
We had something like 300 people in the Club from 1400 through to the evening.
In addition to the main speakers, we invited about 20 leading experts in the field, other naval architects and great sailors. Tony Marchaj, who wrote the book on yacht stability after the 79 Fastnet was there.
It was quite an event. Yachting World co sponsored it and covered it in the mag. Bob did a good job as chairman though he was a little jet lagged having got off a red eye that morning.” (Geoff Holmes recalls) Geoff’s article in Pottership of that year