The Club was officially formed in 1922, but has its origins in the Lymington River Sailing Club established in 1914 but suspended during the Great War.
Most of the archives were largely lost in the great flood of 1989 what was saved is preserved in these pages…..

Patrons and Officers
Flag Officers and Committee Members past and present
Racing Achievements
Club and Members’ Achievements
£20 Members only price – buy your copy click here or call the Club office
History group coffee mornings - do come along
The History Group would like to invite you to their monthly coffee mornings.
All the Club’s communications to members since WWII, including Information Sheets, Bulletins, PotterNews, ePotterNews and eWeekly Emails
The 50th and 75th anniversary publications and to come the 100th anniversary events and publication
Pottership Annual Editions
Site Map
Fascinating articles and stories of how the Club began.
Members’ voyages home and away, and Winter Lectures
Sailing History
XOD Class
The oldest class of boat sailed from the Club. They are cherished and nurtured by some of our most expert sailors

Classes we used to sail
The Club hosted many traditional classes of boats sailed on the Lymington River
Our most popular class of boat sailed from the Club. Suitable for young and old alike
Royal Lymington Cup
The Club’s most prestigious race ran between 1970s and 1999
Wednesday Junior Sailing
Community flagship programme WJS was started in 1984 by two local GPs, Jonathan Rogers and Tom McEwen
Publications Timeline

1946 - 1986 Bulletins
Bulletins were the annual roundup of Club activities, much as PotterShip is today

1973 - 1986 Information Sheets
Information Sheets complimented the Bulletins with updates 3 or 4 times a year

2005 - 2008 PotterNews
Printed monthly news-sheets published between 2005 and 2008

2008 - 2018 ePotterNews
ePotterNews took over from PotterNews. It was a monthly update in electronic form
2018 to date eNewsletters
The latest iteration of Club communications to members.
Pictures, Films and Videos

Commodores Photographs
Photographs of all the Commodores including their years of office and previous Club Posts.

The River and Environs
Photographs of the Lymington River and its surroundings

The Club and Environs
A collection of many of the pictures of the Club from the past

Films and Videos
From specially made films, to videos of the Club when it featured on television
Clubhouse and Local History

Local and River History
Some publications we have found of relevance to the River and the local area

Clubhouse History
The development of the clubhouse from its first home

Honours Boards, Cups and Prizes
Club members’ achievements through the years displayed in the Clubhouse
In 2005, Anthony Ruffell was appointed Club Archivist and began the painstaking task of developing a coherent archive.
In this, Anthony was substantially assisted by Neil Eccles, whose skills naturally placed him in the role of Editor and Producer of the digital archive, and thence to the creation of the History pages
In 2019 Graham Clarke became Historian. Graham and Neil continue to develop the archive and the website presenting it for the benefit of the Club and its Members.
Graham Clarke

Neil Eccles
Anthony Ruffell